We are among the best offices according to Leaders League

Santos & Santana Advogados was ranked by the international guide Leaders League, as one of the best offices in Brazil in the category Litigation & Arbitration, highlighting in Large-Scale Consumer Litigation. Our office was rated "Highly Recommended".

The Leaders League is a renowned publication that, for more than two decades, ranks the world's top executives and companies worldwide. The agency also issues market intelligence reports, office rankings and featured professionals.

This award is a quality seal for our clients and evidences that all of our cases are conducted by some of the best lawyers in the country. We congratulate our team, which, faced with constant improvement, has helped us to achieve international recognition with this important award!

Original link: http://www.leadersleague.com/en/company-directory/company/393cf1ad-eaaf-444d-9c81-104e32d83427


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