Escritório SES

About us

For 11 years, we have searched and found innovative solutions for corporate clients.

But, first of all, we choose to always be ahead, connected with the new. Today, we can safely say that we are a modern office, with credentials in companies from different segments and we are proud of each step taken so far.

Aware of current legal issues we deliver results quickly and conveniently, using digital resources that, despite being technological, make us more human. We aim to provide better use of time for our lawyers to carry out tailor-made jobs.

Our achievements

More than 10 years

of experience in the market

40% of our clients

are multinationals present in 10 or more countries

More than 3 billion

in credit recovery

We serve 4 of the 10

largest mobile mobile manufacturers in the world


More technology. More savings, time and money.

A sua empresa não tem tempo a perder. Por isso, sermos cada vez mais digitais é fundamental para encurtar caminhos, sempre respeitando os limites éticos necessários para o desempenho da nossa atividade. Com o Legalytics by Santos e Santana, os nossos clientes contratam, alimentam e acompanham serviços jurídicos pelo site ou app. É fácil, rápido e muito prático.

Our values

Our mission

Develop legal practice with transparency and honesty, honoring commitments to clients, seeking the most efficient solution and bringing evolution to ourselves and the world.

Our vision

Become an aggregating pole of active individuals committed to personal and professional development, fostering individual, collective and diffuse growth through the exercise and commitment of their work.


Our team is prepared to meet corporate demands

Hélvio Santos Santana

Hélvio Santos Santana


Sylvie Boechat

Sylvie Boechat

Head | Civil Advisory & Litigation

Legal support in all markets

Estamos presente em todos os estados brasileiros, atendendo em mais de 2.000 comarcas. Com parceiros nos Estados Unidos, Ásia e União Europeia.


We are part of national and international alliances

In addition to its presence in the main economic and strategic centers in the world, the firm is a member of the International Bar Association - IBA and the Brazilian Institute of Business Law - IBRADEMP.


Recognition in international rankings

We are among the best Brazilian offices according to Leaders League