Our team of Lawyers is prepared to meet your corporate claims.

Hélvio Santos Santana

Hélvio Santos Santana


(11) 2711-1584

Fundador e presidente do escritório Santos e Santana Advogados. Atua na área empresarial com expertise em Direito Processual Civil, Direito Societário e Negociações estratégicas. Diretor Geral das áreas de Contencioso Cível, Consultivo e Corporativo. Conselheiro jurídico global do International Consulting Group (ICG).

Areas of expertise

Civil Procedural Law


Sylvie Boechat

Sylvie Boechat

Head | Civil Advisory & Litigation

(11) 2711-1592

Graduated from Universidade de São Paulo (USP) (University of São Paulo) and graduate degree in Corporate Law from Ibmec São Paulo, she has more than 22 years of experience as a lawyer working on business matters. Her work stands out in the sponsorship, defense or strategic extrajudicial negotiation in lawsuits to recover high-value credits, bankruptcy proceedings and other highly complex civil claims. She also promotes corporate and contractual consultancy, in addition to extensive experience in matters related to Real Estate Law.

Areas of expertise

Civil Consulting

Strategic Civil Litigation

Credit Recovery