S&S has a long-standing role in the area of consumer relations, closely following the revolutions that occurred in the market, which definitely impacted the way people relate to companies.
Today's consumers are much more aware, attentive and demanding. They use social media and mobile phones as a means of relationship with companies, they consume through e-commerce and applications. They are active and participatory.
For this reason, S&S mirrors these technological changes in its work model, privileging a strategic action that leads its Clients to act pursuant to Preventive Law, in partnership with the other business areas of the company, reducing the claims and the costs of the legal operation.
We believe that the generation of intelligence data that allows the identification and dealing with deviations that generate wear and tear with consumers has the potential to add more value and continuous improvement to our Clients.
S&S has a legal management system developed in house, which allows the monitoring of lawsuits in real time with wide visibility of performance and results of each portfolio, through dashboards and BI (business intelligence).
Our work model is also based on individualized meeting of demands of Clients, with dedicated teams highly committed to the goals and values of each company and segment.
We are specialists in the management of portfolios of large-scale civil litigation, operating throughout the national territory. We deliver excellent results to our Clients through a careful system of procedural monitoring, efficiency in defenses, implementation of agreement policies and reduction of contingencies.
We act in a strategic and relational way with Consumer Protection and Defense Agencies, in answering complaints, monitoring notices of infraction and administrative fines and Conduct Adjustment Agreements.
We also support our Clients in setting an institutional agenda with Consumer Protection and Defense Agencies, so that they can give visibility to the good practices and measures adopted to harmonize relations with their consumers.
The firm specializes in dealing with sensitive cases, with notorious offensive potential such as class actions, civil inquiries, administrative proceedings brought by a consumer association, among others.
We also act in the representation of our Clients before national regulatory agencies (Central Bank, ANAC, ANVISA, ANATEL, ANEEL and the like), with the presentation of administrative defenses and appeals, monitoring of concessions, definition of strategies, advising of activities in general submitted regulation and self-regulation (FEBRABAN, ABECS, CONAR, among others).
We provide assistance to all business areas with regards to advisory matters:
- review of consumer contracts and information provided to consumers in general: offer, advertising, websites, instruction manuals;
- drafting of SAC policy and social media service;
- drafting of competition and promotion regulations;
- review of loyalty programs;
- In-house training with different areas of the company.
We back our Clients in the relationship with the press: monitoring of news published in the media, drafting of public statements, monitoring of complaints on specialized websites and taking of appropriate legal measures where necessary.
S&S partners
Our team is prepared to meet corporate demands
Hélvio Santos Santana
Sylvie Boechat
Head | Civil Advisory & Litigation
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